Friday, February 04, 2005

Everything's going so well, I'm worried

Well, now that I've got the initial introductions over with, it's time to make you guys silent bystanders to the goings-ons in my life. I'm going back to school to finish the associates degree that I've been working on for about eight years now. At the rate I'm going, I figure I should have my masters by the time I'm I actually start Monday and got some great news yesterday about the whole deal. See, I thought I was going to have to take out another student loan because apparently $15,000 a year is too much to make if you want the government to pay for your schooling. I couldn't wrap my mind around that one. Then, our wonderful government decided that my FASFA (Federal Application for Student Financial Aid, for those of you who are acronymically challenged) needed verification which showed that there was an extra $15,000 that got added in on my app because I can't fill out forms right. Whew! Was I ever relieved.
On the other hand, I have to pay into the IRS this year. Divorces really screw you over in the tax department unless you work it right and I, unfortunately didn't. See, my divorce was final on 8/4/04, so of course, my employers was deducting taxes at a married rate. In August, when I finally realized this was going to be a problem, I started paying in extra, but to no avail. I'm still about $200 behind and the government wants their they can pay for me to go to school. Seems like a pretty fair trade to me, so I'm not all that upset about it really.
Now you're in for the relationship paragraph. A brief run-down. Separated from my lying, cheating ex-husband and met the man of my dreams. Started dating the man of my dreams. Got divorced. Had serious issues that were left over from the really BAD marriage and they started mainfesting themselves in the relationship w/ MOMD. I finally felt so bad that I was such a mess and he loved me anyway that I had to break up w/ him to resolve the issues. Still loved him, mind you, but it wasn't fair. He leaves for the service in two months and said he wasn't going to date anyone before he left. A very noble, "I'll wait for you", thing. Decided about a week before New Years that I was "fixed" (or something like that) and went to see him on New Year's Eve and, low and behold, he's dating a 34 year old, twice divorced chic from Texas. Ugh! He's ten years younger and lives 1000 miles does that work?!
Of course, I was furious. I couldn't think straight. He loved me then. He still did, but what was the deal with this other chic. I spent the better part of a month trying to show him how much he meant to me and that I was serious (and ready) this time, but nada. Confused and Frustrated. Those were his favorite words for somewhere around three weeks. I have since stopped talking to him. It's only going on a week, but I'm doing okay. It's all I can do at this point. No more pushing, no more trying, no more crying. I'm just tired. It's time to give it a rest. There are a lot of places that I can go with this story, but I'm not sure were I want to take it.....I'll have to think about it for a be continued


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