Monday, May 02, 2005


Well, he finally did it. Exactly what I knew he was going to do all along. MOMD moved to Texas to live with the Texas chic AND he’s scrapped the whole NAVY thing (which I think is a crock of shit because he’s had that dream since he was six…that or a MLB player) I knew it was coming and surprisingly, I took it better than I expected myself to. I found out last Thursday while I was waiting to enjoy some potato skins at Applebee’s. One of the guys that he worked with at the bar is also a cook there and he came out to chat for a bit and that’s how I found out about it. I was mildly disappointed that he didn’t call me to tell me himself, but like I’ve said before, I only thought he was the man of my dreams. Such sub-par, inconsiderate behavior proves that he wasn’t. So, phew….I feel better about that one.
Shavon is coming home this weekend, so of course, I’m thrilled and can’t wait until Friday. Finally, I’ll have my partner in crime back for a weekend. I’ve been waiting for this for almost four months.
School….that’s another story. I’ll admit, I’ve been slacking, but it’s okay because I have another month before I have to be finished with my classes and that should be no problem as long as I can keep myself motivated for the next four weeks. I got my laptop back, so that should help. I don’t have to write everything…I can just type my notes instead of writing until my hand falls off. AND, although I have been slacking a bit, I’m still getting A’s in both classes.
Hhhmmm…..What else to talk about? There’s a really hot guy that works at my tanning place so I’ve had decent eye-candy for the last few weeks and I’ve been going out more…ya know, being social. It’s actually starting to be fun again. I’m so relieved. I thought I was getting to old to appreciate the bar scene. It’s just depressing because anymore when I go out, it seems like the only people who are out are my little brother’s age. It makes me feel like the old lady.
OH! And now for the really fun news. The ex-husband got thrown in jail last Friday. Carrie (his youngest son’s mom) took him back to court because he hasn’t paid child support in a REALLY long time, and low and behold, wouldn’t ya know it, he didn’t go. So no show = warrant = time in jail (where he belongs). He ended up bonding out, but it cost him $500 cold hard American cash (that we all know he doesn’t have) and he has to be back in court this Thursday to see if he has to sit in jail longer, so……to be continued.
Well, I guess that’s it for now. I just wanted to post a little update before I start posting again on a regular basis. So you don’t come into the stories in the middle. Yes, thank me. Peace.


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