Friday, April 08, 2005

Not much new here

Wow! I've really been slacking in the blogging department. I am excited because I checked the site today and I had a comment! Wow, again! Someone spent time reading about my screwed up life and I don't even know her. Amazing. Mind-boggling really. Anyway, now on to what's been happening.
I haven't spoke to MOMD who isn't in a few weeks now. I only get to talk to him about once a month because when I do, we end up hooking back up and then he feels guilty and doesn't speak to me for a month or so. I say that if he is going to cheat on Texas chic, he shouldn't be with her, but that's just my own personal opinion. I'm getting to the point where I'm not all that heartbroken over it anymore. I kinda like having my options open, so to speak.
I talked to Shavon last week and it look slike my Florida trip is going to be a little duller than expected. While in Meixco on the camping trip, she fell in love. Yes, my Sha fell in love. With a guy. From Mexico. I didn't think it was possible. She is the only person I have ever met who is actually good at being single. Great at it in fact, and now, she's gone and blown it. Big time! You'd have to know her to understand, but this is HUGE. They have actually discussed getting married and they've only known each other for a month or two. It is absolutely crazy, but at least I'll finally get to be a bridesmaid. Always the bride, never the bridesmaid has been my motto up until now...LOL.
School has been going great. I've been very motivated this week, but only because I was about three weeks behind. My computer class is easy enough to catch up on. I did that on Monday, and now I'm three weeks ahaed again, but my psych class is killing me because I actually have to read the book, and it's not the easiest reading. I'll get it done though. I'm really not that worried.
The weather has been beautiful here for the last week. We've had a little rain, but mostly it's been warm and sunny which is a great change from the freezing cold, grey weather we had in March. It also means that the mushrooms will be popping. For those of you not well versed in the wilds of the Midwest, morrel mushrooms (wild ones) start to come out right about now. So, needless to say, I'm going to pick up the kids on Saturday and we're going to head to my parent's farm and spend the better part of the day tromping through the woods looking for these delicious and hard to find, little fungi. Jordan loves it. He's been asking to go since last fall since he can't remember that mushroom season is int he spring, so he's super excited.
I've been playing a lot of poker lately, more because I'm broke and I've been on a winning streak than because I want to. Hey, if my brothers and all their friends are going to let me take their money, then who am I to deny them?
So, I guess that should cover just about everything. I realize I haven't been all the poetic in the blogging lately, but writing about the day to day stuff should eventually pay off and give me something to analyze. It just hasn't yet, so stay tuned......


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