Man, I've really been slacking lately, but I honestly am not inspired. Yeah, sure, there are tons of things I could write about. Like how I went out last night and drank some beers with my favorite boy in the world and then proceeded to get him in trouble, or how I really did like his girlfriend, but she's slowly becoming a one of the previously mentioned psychos. I could write about my mom and dad's anniversary, but I tried that on Wednesday, and believe me, it didn't turn out like I'd hoped, so it'll be saved in my draft box until next year when I'll have to change the 31 to 32 and try again. I could talk about how I'm pretty sure that MOMD has been down-graded from man of my dreams to just that guy, but nothing is really striking my fancy lately. I think I'm in a slump. It's rough though, knowing that I have people that actually read this. It's a lot of pressure to try to come up with something good rather than just diarrhea of the mouth. I just don't know. Maybe I'll kick around some ideas and write something of substance later, but for now, I'm still blocked, so I'll let you all get back to you should be....that's why they pay Hugs!
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