A great "Hypothetical answer to a dumb "hypothetical question........
I really started thinking about some things in my life last night. Specifically, guy things. Not because I wanted to, because frankly, I was prefectly happy going to the bar with friends, getting drunk, and having a good time without having to examine things too closely, but that all changed because a certain someone decided to propose a "hypothetical" question. Why do people do that anyway? It's like a disclaimer:
*******I want to ask you this because I want an honest answer on what would happen, but I don't want to commit to what I'm saying because whether or not I want it kinda depends on what you're gonna say.*******
Anyway, I've had all day to let it digest and I think that I have a sort of "Hypothetical" answer.....that is, if "hypothetically", the question was ever posed. It's a load of crap if you ask me. A load of crap that had me trying to picture what I would do if myself and that someone who, despite my best efforts not to, I care about very much, were to try our relationship again. And to be honest, it was hard to imagine. I don't know if it's because I've steeled myself to the possibility that what we had can never be recaptured, or partially because I'm at such a comfotable place in my life right now that the idea of upheaving my life to go somewhere for someone (which is ultimately what would have to be done) scares the hell out of me.
Back when things were good, we would talk about our future and how things would work and I never doubted him or that they would work out how we'd planned, but what if "hypothetically", I packed up, moved across the country, away from my friends, my family, my job, and everything that I know......and find out that he doesn't love me as much as I thought he did? That we really can't make things work like we wanted to? Then what? Is that just another one of those HUGE mistakes that I've been known to make.....because I don't want him to be a mistake...
Damn men and their damn drunk questions. If he'd just stop thinking so much, we wouldn't have this problem. If I'd just stop listening to the stupid things he says when he's drunk I'd be better off.....but then he goes and says things that make it impossible for me to hate him.....and that makes me want to hate him even more. If only for my own good.
I hate that he makes me think about these things, but he's always had a knack for that. It's because of him that I am where I am today. It's because of him that I FINALLY went back to school and it's because of him that I'm trying so hard to get my life back on track from the train wreck it was when he met me. I'll be the first to admit that I was falling apart, but he inspired me to want to be a better person....and when you get right down to it....that is why I love him. Bottom Line. And that is why it's so hard to imagine him not being a part of my life......because he changed me too. But I've been trying to get myself used to the idea for such a long time, that this "hypothetical" question that slopped past his unfiltered, drunk lips has really thrown off the balance that I try so hard to maintain. Is that normal? For someone to have such a huge effect on you? Or is that how you know that you're supposed to be able to answer that question...without thinking about it? I wish I had all the answers. All the definite "non-hypothetical" ones, but I guess you have to have real questions to have real answers. You have to look something dead in the eye and decide what role it will play in your life, and we're not there yet.
Hi, I just came across youe blog... It seems about a year too late! I'm actually attempting to start my own blog now, so I was look for an inspiration of sorts, anyway I really like it! I was wondering why you weren't writing it anymore?
Just browsing, very interesting.
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