Workout What?
I think that I can honestly say that right this mintue, I am the healthiest I have been in oh, I don't know, at least seven years. I haven't had a cigarette in almost three weeks and at this point, don't even want them anymore, and I joined a gym. I've been working out (at 6:00 in the morning to be exact). I even learned how to operate all of the like 3 million different weight machines they have there. Someday, I will have great I used to.... Oh, and the back fat...that roll that puffs up over the top of every pair of low-rise jeans that I own....that's gonna be gone too. I can't wait. The idea of having a great body again is the most exciting thing I've heard since 12 packs of diet Coke were on sale at the grocery store for $1.50. This is BIG! Now I'm not saying that I'm fat; because every woman over the age of 13 says she's fat and usually it's just to get a sympathetic reaction and affirmation that she most definitely is not from anyone within earshot, but I am saying that I let myself get VERY out of shape. I allowed myself to get pudge in all the places that I used to be so proud of. I guess that's what being married to an asshole and allowing your life to stagnate for a few years will do to you. Oh well, I'm over that now and on to so much better things. And, did I mention that I got an A on my first college algebra test. Yup, I'm on a roll kids.
On another note, I ran in to someone that I hadn't seen in a while the other day, and one of the questions they asked was how was my love life. Ha! I promptly responded with "Lack there of". I only bring this up because I know that you are all so very MOMD is not responding to anything, so yet again, I am wishing him a nice life. Possibly for good this time. I have so much other stuff going on that I don't have t ime to obsess over him anyway. AND, I saw one of my ex's at the bar last Wednesday during kareoke. He is one of the few that I will admit to and don't think was a bad judgement call. He is also, come to find out, married to a girl that looks like a guy. Huh. I'd have never guessed. Not only that, she's from Missouri and is friends with my little brother. Crazy stuff. I saw another ex driving down the street the other day (because mind you, the town I live in is only big enough to miss someone for so long) and it was really amusing to me. When we dated I was 19 and he was 24. Of course, I thought he was the coolest thing ever. He was grown up and had a full time job and a nicer apartment than me at the time and a motorcycle and all that jazz. Then, when I saw him driving last week, he was leaving his aunt's (where I assume he's living), driving a junker car, and looking like hell. Just blows my mind. He was one of those bad judgement more ways than one.
Speaking of exes, I think that I should mention the ex-hubby. Youngest baby's mama ran into him the other day at my grocery store, so I've been think that it's inevitable.....I"m going to end up running into him someday. So, I thought that I should probably start thinking about what whitty crack I'm going to use when I do. Or, if I'm just going to walk by and pretend that I don't know him. Or, if I'm going to feel the unconquerable urge to walk over and smack him upside his head. What's a girl to do? It kind of scares me really, ya know. I haven't seen him since...oh, I don't know, January. It's been almost a year since I have seen the man that used to be my number one priority....above myself even, and I find it odd that I don't know how I would react if I saw him. Even worse...if I saw him and the girlfriend. I wonder sometimes if he's changed. I can honestly say that when I was in the middle of my divorce that I never would have thought that my life would have changed so much in one year. (I forgot to mention my one year anniversary was on August 4th). I feel like a completely different person for so many reasons. Here's a short list
- I went back to school
- I pay everything on time
- I don't spend everday worrying about, well, everything....from how to pay the bills to how clean my house is
- I've gotten over the passive/agressive, don't want to hurt people's feelings, thing and just say what I think
- I quit smoking
- I'm a better friend
- I know myself better
But, even after all that, I don't know what I'd do. Is that strange? I guess for the time being it doesn't really matter. It's not that I obsess about it, because to tell you the truth, I don't think about it/him that much unless someone brings it/him up, but when I do think about it, it blows my mind. That I've gone from allowing someone to control nearly every aspect of my life to being the person that I am today. It makes me proud. Proud to be me and proud to say that through it all, I've survived and come out a better person, and I doubt that he could say the same. So, with that off my chest, it's back to work. I've got a ton to do and only six more hours to do it in. TTFN. <
There's no confidence killer like back fat. Having two cleavages suck;-)
Get out of that small town and come to the big city! Nice blog by the way. . .
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