Just a Quick Update
Hi guys, I don't have much time today because I'm busy busy busy with tons of work stuff, but I thought that I'd ention that:A. I started running again (In 95 degree heat no less...I never was good at the timing thingB. I'm just getting over a horrible case of poison ivy that stretches from behind my ears to about mid thighC. I've decided to start watching what I eat, and I'm actually doing it....for now. D. Algebra is frying my brain. I've been trying to figure it out for at least five hours each night for the last week.Okay, so, motivated, huh? That's cause I gained 6lbs in three months, which is utterly ridiculous being that it's summer and I never gain weight in the summer and if I don't pass this algebra class, it will screw up my whole fall semester. Then my spring one after that, and it would push my masters completion date back past my 42nd birthday. Ugh! .....lol. Okay, well, gotta go now. Hugs
Weird guys with tattoos
Okay, so we all know that I can be a bit of a bitch sometimes and because of that tendency, my brothers have been angry with me for the last few days. NO...I didn't yell at them. NO...I didn't kick them out of the house...(this week anyway). I did something that I didn't even realize that I did. Here's what happened: So, I'm sitting at the bar on the 4th of July trying to deal with the whole former MOMDs mess, right? Well, these five weird looking guys walk in the bar. One looks like the giant off of big fish except with LOTS more hair (blonde hair). He is accompanied by a guy in a Steelers T-shirt with the sleeves cut off that revealed the tattoos in his armpits every time he'd lift his arms. They weren't just confined to his armpits though, they were all the way up and down his arms. Then there was a pretty stocky bald guy with a goatie who looked like he should have been a bouncer somewhere and another guy who bore a striking resemblence to Jack Osbourne....I think. He had a hat on and we were in a bar....it was obviously a little dark.
Okay, now that you know what I saw, I'll proceed. One of my friends and I are on the dance floor. Just us, and the Jack-look-alike walks up and says that he wants to dance with us. Then, he tells me that I need to come closer. No way dude. I don't dance up on strange guys I don't know. So, I was kind of a bitch and told him that no I didn't need to get closer and walked off the dance floor. Then, the tattoo guy comes up to me later and introduces himself. His names Kris....hi, how are ya, yadda, yadda, yadda. So, I'm polite and tell him my name and nice to meet you and blah, blah and when I turned around to talk to FMOMD, he walked away. Okay. Problem solved. Scary guy is gone. At the end of the night, he talks to me again as I'm trying to leave and I wasn't rude but I did kinda blow him off. In my defense, I couldn't help it. FMOMD was in tow and we were headed for my car. What's a girl to do? As I'm in my beeline for my car, my friend Nicki stops me and says that they're some band called Adema and she wants to know if I want to go with them to party or whatever. Well, obviously the answer was no, but then I got home and told the boys the next day. I've never seen my brothers' jaws drop so fast in all my life. "WHAT! You blew off the guys from Adema?! Are you fucking crazy?" That's all I got out of them for the next three days. "We're fighting.....I can't believe you did that. We could have hung out with them." Oops. I guess they're pretty well-known by everyone except me. I actually kinda feel bad now because they weren't mean, just a little on the weird side. I could have been nicer, but I had other things distracting me. So, Kris Kohl, if you should happen to read this (ya, right, eh?)....I apologize for thinking you were just some everyday scary guy with lots of tattoos. Turns out you were a famous regular guy who likes to have people draw on his skin with needles and make music to keep guys like my brothers occupied. I still haven't heard any of their songs and I probably won't start listening to them either. Not exactly my cup of tea, but it was crazy. Then again it was the fourth of July and you know that every year something crazy has to happen on the 4th. I should just expect it by now.
Ya know, I've never actually looked up the word jaded in the dictionary and I am going to use it today, so I thought maybe I should. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what it meant, but I had to check and make sure. Just for the record it means exhausted or cynical. Now, the reason for using the word.....That guy, you know, the one that was FKA MOMD, and I talked Monday night. It had been exactly a year since I stumbled across him after the fireworks down by the riverfront, and he remembered, surprisingly. Anyway, we talked a lot that night. About Texas and, of course, Texas chic, and him and what's been going on and let me say that it took me a year, but after that night, I am SO over it. I had thought that I was before, but now I know with a certainty that there will be no more MOMDs talk until I find a new one. And that, my friends is why I looked up the word. He is definitely jaded. He is not at all the same person that I met a year ago and I don't like it. For example....he was talking about how rough he's had it the past year...ya know, broke off an engagement to a girl that he couldn't stand, got his heart broken for the first time (he attributes that one to me), and moved to Texas to live with an alcoholic, jeaslous, psycho woman that he barely knew. Now, all in all, in my opinion, he hasn't had it real rough, but he really had the balls to say "You go through what I've been through the last year and then tell me how you feel." OMG! Are you kidding me? Try finding out that the love of your life (and husband who swore to be with you until death do you part) is cheating on you with an ugly girl with a big fat settlement. Then, recovering from that financial train wreck that was my life, and living with your yonger brothers. Are you serious? You try on my size nines and then tell me. So, now he hates all women. He has decided that unless they're family or married, or siginifcantly othered, he just doesn't like them. I'd say that fits in well with the whole idea of jaded. I was just shocked. Maybe he wasn't exactly who I thought he was. Maybe I gave him more credit than I should have. Maybe I wanted him to be the way I thought he was so badly, it was just me who saw it. I don't know, but whatever it was, I'm done. Don't have time for all that. I'm a busy girl with places to go and people to see and if he wants to stay stuck in the past, cryin over "what's been done to him" then he can be there alone. I've been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, and burnt it. But in the end I'm not going back and at least I know that "jaded" doesn't fit me.