Leaves and Fireplaces and Pipe Smoke
So last night, I'm sitting at home, piddling on the net and I chack my email. Shavon sent me a questionaire. You know, one of those one's where she fills out her answers and then sends it to everyone she knows and then they forward it with their answers to everyone they know and so on and so on until everyone in the world with internet access has eventually answered or deleted these questions. Anyway, so I filled it out...ya, I know, I'm a sucker, but they really were good questions. you had your basic.."What is your favorite color?...green, and who is your favorite celebrity...a toss up between Katherine Hepburn and Sean Connory, and what is your favorite food....oh my goodness...that one was hard...there are so many...I think I went with crab legs by defualt.
My favortie question (and coincidentally the reason I'm writing) was what is your favorite smell. Of course, Sha said it was the cologne her boyfriend wears, BUT, I just couldn't go that commercial.
I have a few favorite smells. One is of the leaves in the fall. I absolutely love the way it smells in the fall and that ties in with my next favorite smell....fireplaces. I am going to buy a house with a fireplace someday and that is why I'm so partial to woodburning fireplaces. Those sissified gas ones don't have the same smell. Yeah, they look pretty and you don't need to haul wood, but they just don't have the same smell. There's nothing like walking outside of a fall evening and getting hit in the face with the smell of leaves and someone's fireplace.
And finally, I love the smell of pipe tabacco. I know. I'm weird. I can't help it. When I was growing up, my extremely anit-smoking father always lit the fireplace then sat down to smoke a pipe. Captain Black to be precise. There's just somthing about the combination of those smells that always leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy and home.
In hinsdight, don't let me let you think that I didn't include one cologne on that list. I'm just as commercialized as the rest of you and I'm still a big fan for Gorgio Armani for men......yum!