Moving my own furniture
Let me start by saying that I've always seen myself as a sports car kinda girl. The first car that I ever bought was a Mazda MX-3. A gorgeous, sporty, little red jelly bean on wheels. Not very practical, but cute as hell and great on gas mileage.......until the day that I ran it under the end of a 1979 Ford F-150. Still, after a few weeks at the body shop, it was as good as new. Then, we move onto the maroon Mustang convertible. The ultimate girlie sports car, which, coincidentally, I also wrecked on more than one occassion. Then, we have the Accord. Not the four-door-I-have-kids version, but a two door with a spoiler, look-at-me-I'm-a-hottie version. Awesome! Anyway, back to what I was saying. Obviously, I've always seen myself as a sports car kind of girl. This was great when I went out and had a life and stuff, although not so great when moving. I discovered that there are only so many items you can pack into an Accord and they are on a limited size scale. Sure, you can leave the trunk open, but when your drawer of unmentionables goes flying into the middle of the street, that theory is discounted rather quickly. And, I might add that the convertible was great for getting massive amounts of laundry to the laundry mat (in the dark days before I owned a washer and dryer). Even if you couldn't cram the baskets in the backseat through the door, all you had to do was drop the top. Yes, sports cars are great, but I think I've entered a new stage in my life.The SUV stage. I know, I know, you're all shaking your heads at the mere social conformity of it, but they really are handy. When I got the first Explorer (before the transmition, engine, motor dilema) I was stoked. I went and bought a couch and a love seat and didn't have to call my dad and beg him to transport them in his truck. It was very liberating. I also don't have to worry about what to pull the camper with. (Not that I would be driving when it was being pulled b/c God knows I drive badly enough w/out pulling anything) AND, when I buy my house this summer and have to endure the pains of packing and moving, I won't have to bride every one of my friends with trucks with a case of beer to pack up my belongings and make endless trips across town. That alone will save me about forty bucks. If they help me carry stuff I may buy one case that will only cost me about $20. Not too shabby. It's good to look at practical things like that every once in a while, I guess. That and my current Explorer is a V-8 with four wheel drive (Yeah!). Not that I'm going to go tearing up some poor farmers field anytime soon or anything, but it's a comfort to know that when it snows (and it does here...frequently) I'll have the added comfort of knowing I won't be getting stuck. Yeah, again! The Mustang was notorious for that. Word of advice:Never park a rear will drive vehicle outside a bar, uphill, on an icy night and then attempt to leave after drinking fill in the blank beers. It doens't work so well, but I had had a few that night and decided that I was going to try anyway.Back to the story, so, now I've embraced this brand new version of me. I'm paying bills on time, going to school, buying a house, working two jobs, and driving an SUV. It all sounds so grown-up. How (and when) did this all happen? I must have missed it. Somewhere in between a marriage and a divorce, and job changes, and various other life stuff, there it was....I grew up. Huh. Never woulda thunk it. So, in retrospect, it's not really a car thing. It's a me thing. It's all a reflection of who I am and where I'm at. I've finally stopped chasing boys to do things for me and started moving my own furniture. Good for me, I say, but it's Friday and fifty degrees with a clear blue sky overhead, so I've got to go wash my big red SUV.
HHMMM....Very Intersting
Something very weird and completely unexpected happened today. I got a call from my wonderful (did you catch the sarcasm) ex-husband. I was having trouble sleeping one night last week and he was one of the few people I knew would be awake at that hour (b/c you know he doesn't have a job to get up for in the morning), so I (being temporarily insane) texted him to see what he was up to. That was last Thursday. Then, at about 11:30 this morning, he calls. I have talked to him all of about two times since our divorce was final, so it was very odd. The conversation went something like this:Me: HelloHim: Hello
Me: HeellloooHim: Hey, what did you want when you texted me the other day? (his concept of time is very much out of sync with the rest of the world's)
Me: Nothin' I was bored and couldn't sleep and just seein what you were doin.Him: Oh.
Me: Okay....Him: Okay.
Me: Allrigt, ByeHim: Later
I think that I actually got dumber by having that conversation. What was the point of it? I texted him a WEEK ago....two sentences...he was an ass, so I quit. Why, all of a sudden, do you feel the need to call. Must be trouble in paradise with the GF. Damn, now I feel the need to recount the ex-husband story for you all. I'll try to give you the abbreviated version.Met when we were 16, dated on and off for eight years, he had three kids (not by me, I'm the smart one....kinda), I took care of them and him(considering he was usually jobless), he cheated on me with his youngest baby's mama before we got married then afterwards he decided that when I said "I do", he'd actually said "I do everyone" and started sleeping with an ugly girl who is now "the girlfriend". So, I divorced him and now, we end up here. AND, just for future reference, if I ever mention the asshole or the girl friend, they are who I'm talking about.....unless I'm talking about MOMD's new GF, but I usually just say Texas chic, so there shouldn't be much confusion.Anyway, so he called and I'm at work analyzing why. Does he want something? (probably) Are they fighting? (probably) What does it all mean? (I have no clue). He is just so wierd. I should know that they all are by now though. Anyway, that's my rant for today. Luv, Me
The birthday and the lesbian (and the cute gay guy)...
Okay, so last night I went to sing karaoke. On a Monday you say. I thought that was Wednesday. Well, yes, it is, normally, but I had to start somewhere. I was sitting at home getting ready to go to class and I remembered that it was the 21st, which of course, is the day before the 22nd. The 22nd being the MOMD’s birthday. So, I text him an early Feliz Cumpleanos (Happy Birthday for those of you who didn’t take four years of Spanish in high school and only have about six phrases to show for it), in the unlikely case that I would have so much going on today that I forget….yeah, yeah, I know, not likely. Anyway, I go rescue one of my cullinarily challenged friends from a near chicken disaster, go to class, and end up back at home on my couch when my phone lights up. Dum, dum, duummmm. A text message. He actually had the time to say thanx (Amazing because sometimes I wonder if he knows how to type) and ask if I was going to sing. Well, of course, but it’s not Wednesday (see, it threw me off too). After a brief explanation that Tracey (my favorite karaoke chic/hair stylist) is there on Monday too, I did.
I went and sang and had fun with my most FAVORITEST lesbian in the whole world. I know you’re probably scratching your head and asking “what does a lesbian have to do with that story?” My friend Mitzy (aka “the lesbian”) is probably the only person who reads this blog, other than me and maybe my best friend in Oklahoma, and she was very surprised to see that I hadn’t mentioned “the lesbian” before. I think she thinks that most people find it an extraordinary experience (knowing a homosexual, I mean), but after all, we do live in a semi-large, kinda smallish Midwest town, so for some people, it is. For me, she’s just a cool chic and one of the few people that I actually like to hear sing karaoke. Besides that, she’s a nut. So, Mitzy, here ya go babe. You have now been immortalized as my friend on the World Wide Web. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause…
Anyway, so I hung out with MOMD for a bit, sang a few songs, showed off my new car, made some plans with a “car guy” I know for prettifying it and met a really cute gay guy from St. Louis who looked a lot like…oh, who is that guy…..brain fart……oh yeah, Enrique Iglesias. He was cute. Then, I went home long after I wanted to be in bed and finally crashed. And believe me, this morning I’m paying for it. Two cups of coffee in twenty minutes and it’s not kicking in yet. So, the moral of the story? Hell, I don’t know. I already told you the coffee hasn’t kicked in yet and you expect me to come up with a moral for that shit. Nope. Not gonna happen, but I hope it at least made you smile, and if it didn’t, go watch a Larry the Cable Guy or something, because I have work to do.
Learning to tell my truths
There are times when I think back on the things that I’ve done, and seen, and said, and think…..Damn, you were such a dumb girl. This weekend I practiced setting boundaries. I practiced speaking my truth to the people who needed to hear it. The more practice I get at this, the more it makes me wonder why I didn’t start doing it earlier. It would have saved me a lot of pain and heartache, because believe it or not, it’s not all that hard.
First, I started by setting boundaries with an ex-boyfriend who I allowed (many, many moons ago) to believe that I would settle for second best. You see, back in the days of lower self-esteem and, dare I say, lack of a conscience (not that I really lacked one, I was just really great at ignoring it), I let him think that it was okay if he cheated on his girlfriend with me. I allowed him to think that I was content with getting leftovers; that I was willing to be put on the back burner. Well, not anymore, babe. You tell me that I’m being rude, but I’m just telling you the God honest truth and you don’t like what you’re hearing. It was a really great feeling. It was very empowering. If MOMD (man of my dreams) taught me anything at all, it was that I should not be content to be anyone’s consolation prize. I’m too good for that and frankly, I deserve better. I deserve to be a primary concern and if a man can’t give me that, then he hasn’t brought anything to the table, and I don’t need him.
Second, I laid down my truth to a friend. No more of this passive/aggressive bullshit that I’ve been coasting by on my entire life. A good friend did something that I regarded as a generally shitty thing to do, and instead of bitching about it to everyone but him, I told him, face to face. Doesn’t sound all that hard, right? Well, we humans are creatures of habit and when you’ve spent the major part of your life concerned about doing things in a way that will spare other’s feelings and trying to pad the truth, it’s a little trying to let go of the old ways. Old habits are hard to break and for people like me, feelings are hard to hurt.
I spent a large portion of my life up until now, trying to make things as comfortable as possible for everyone but myself. I think that’s why my ex-husband happened. I’ve always been just a little more concerned with everyone else’s feelings than I have my own. I’ve always felt the need to make everyone else comfortable even if it was at the expense of my own comfort. Why? I’m not sure. I’ve just always had this need to please. After all, we Libras are the peacekeepers of the zodiac. We do not do well with conflict or disorder. Therefore, we spend time trying to avoid it. AT ALL COSTS. A particular line from a Trisha Yearwood song keeps ringing in my head. “I no longer justify reasons for the way that I behave and offer no apologies for the things that I believe and say.” Yeah. Something like that. I think I’m getting there…slowly but surely.
Well, the sun is finally shining
Well, the sun is finally shining again. It's been hiding for a few days, and when it's as cold as it is now, the greyness makes it miserable. But, today, the sun is out (it's still cold), but at least the sky is blue and it gives me some hope that spring is on its way. On that note, I have some good news to report. We have the car situation cleared up. I got myself a new Explorer (4x4 V8) and the first car payment I've had in three years. It was a day of mixed emotions. Don't get me wrong. I love the SUV, and the thought of being able to go muddin' if the urge should ever strike me, but I don't know about the car payment thing. It's just so unnecessary. It's not much though, so I think I can swing it. At least I'm not worried how I'm going to get from home to work and work to school anymore. Thank heavens. Valentine's Day ended up being very uneventful. I went to school, and the day remained pretty much sucky overall. No cards in the mailbox or flowers on my doorstep, but whatever. Like I said, it's all one big conspiracy dreamed up by our government and Hallmark anyway. I should be proud of myself for having absolutely no part in the ridiculous consumerism. I feel like a protestor standing on the steps of the state house....or, um, something like that. School, by the way is going exceptionally well. I'm three weeks ahead of schedule in one class, and the other one, well, I'm on schedule and that's all that matters. I did miss out on my regular Wednesday kareoke outing because I got off work late and was worn out, but it's okay too because the ex works at the bar where they have it, and we haven't talked in over a week, so PPPTTTTT to him. I didn't want to have to go down there and see him anyway, but I do ocassionally because otherwise, I'd have to find a new place to sing. I don't know what his deal is. He says "I want to be friends". Yeah, right. We all know what that means. At least I thought I did and that's why I stopped talking to him, then when I don't, I get text messages at 5:00 in the morning saying "Thanks for saying hi". Whatever. Guys are so dumb. If you don't want to be with me, then don't expect me to devote any attention to you. Either that, or make up your damn mind. Anyway, I guess that's enough incessant rambling for on day. I'll catch you later when there's something more interesting to report.
Wrong Way!!
I really have no idea what to write on a day like today, but I feel like I have to write. It started out as a day of happiness and new beginnings, and then, somewhere between my second cigarette of the day and now, it's taken a wrong turn into suck-dom. I was ready for today. I was okay. I was up for anything that life threw my way. I was going through one of those cock-eyed optimistic phases that allows me to get my hopes WAY up and then I get to watch them crash down around me like you see on cartoons. You know the ones; where the entire front of the building falls and the character is only safe because the open window happens to fall where she's standing, but then, all around her are the remains of what used to be tall and solid and sure. It sucks. Oops, I wasn't going to say that. Every single Valentine's Day I've ever had, I started out saying it sucks, but I wasn't going to do that this year. I just feel like all the hope I've been hoarding has been sucked right out of me. I'm empty inside and just don't have anything left to give. It doesn't help matters that Texas chic was in town for the weekend so I didn't go out in order to avoid any unforseen run-in. All that succeeded in doing was remind me that I blew my chance with the only truly good guy I've ever met. Talk about sucks! See, this is why the title of that other entry was things are going so well I'm worried. Because it never fails that just when things seem to be going well and everything is working out the way it should be, God says "Nope! Fooled ya, didn't I?". So, where am I now? Well, for starters I'm single. Alltogether not a bad thing, but it's that day. You know, the one where everywhere you look there are happy couples being in love. Blah! The one where every commercial on the radio between the sappy love songs is for flowers, or diamonds, or teddy bears. None of which you will be receiving. Not only is it THAT day, my car is dead. It arrived at work sometime last week DOA. The repair man said the two most dreaded words in car diagnostics....Transmission and Motor. Being a girl who has suffered through many an expensive car problem, I know that this is not good. Seeing as how I have had to replace the transmission on nearly every car I have ever owned, the warning bells were a-ringin' on Thursday. So, in addition to being single, I am also car-less. I'll also quickly add that my house is a disaster and I am just drained. I get like that every once in a while. I just get so exhausted trying to dodge the bullets that life seems to keep shooting at me (doesn't it have any other targets?!). It's like I advance two steps and then have to run back five because the only cover close was back there. It just seems so futile sometimes that I really have to weigh the advantages of getting out of bed. But I did. For some reason, I'll keep right on getting out of bed. I won't like it mind you (I'm not a morning person, or mid-morning person either, for that matter), but I'll do it because it's what you do. It's all you can do, really. When life throws you a sucker punch and catches you off guard, all you can do is get up, brush yourself off, put some ice on the shiner you can feel coming on and keep on goin'. Hearts and flowers day or just a random Thursday, it's all the same in the end. You just have to go on. Who knows, maybe today will shape up. Or maybe I'll go home and have a good hard cry because crying is the only thing left to do. Then, I'll look at the flowers I got yesterday from two people who reminded me that I'm loved and I'll smile and the optimistic me will be back....until next round.
The Little Gold Trinket
Somewhere today, around the neck of someone special to me, there hangs a little gold trinket. This small gold coin bears that image of a large man carrying a small child on his back, but for me its meaning goes much deeper than you’d imagine at first glance. He is the protector of the traveler and the sailor and children. “Whoever shall behold his image shall not faint or fall on that day.”
The story goes like this. There was a very large, strong man who carried a small child across a river on his back. The child was very small, but when he climbed onto the man’s back, he was amazingly heavy. As if the man had the weight of the world on his back. That child was Christ and the man was St. Christopher.
I didn’t expect to give it to him. I hadn’t even thought about buying it really. It just came over me one day that he needed it and I had to be the one to give it to him. I didn’t understand it at the time, but there was a voice in my heart that whispered “you must do this”. The someone around whose neck the metal hangs was my St. Christopher. He picked me up and carried me across rough waters. He took the weight of my world onto his shoulders and never expected anything in return.
He is a traveler who came into my life for a brief moment to save me from myself and then went on his way. He is my angel. He was the answer to my prayers when I didn’t think that anyone was listening. He has done his duty and now moves on while I stand here, looking back, holding on to the memory of the journey we took together. Although it was a brief one, it had more of an impact on me than many of the long tedious roads I have followed.
I don’t think he realizes what a huge role he has played in helping me to become the person I am, or at least guiding me to understand the person that I’m trying to be. I don’t think he understands the significance of that gift, or the meaning behind it. I gave it to him to keep him safe and protect him as he carries on his journey; this he knows, but its meaning to me is wholly different. To him, I’m sure it is not much more than the little gold trinket given in a time of loss and fear and uncertainty. To me it is a reminder of how he saved me.
What I've learned about Relationships from Poker Chips
I guess I'll start by saying that I'm not exactly in the best place reationship-wise right can probably tell. But, I think I'm on to something tonight. See, my little brothers got me hooked on Texas (groan) hold'em and for months now, and I've been trying to learn how to shuffle poker chips to no avail. It's something that you see the pros do on tv and it looks soooo cool that you just have to learn how to do it. A lot like relationships, I guess. You see really good ones on tv all the time and you want to have the exact same thing, they make it look so easy. It just doesn't usually work out that way. To tell you the truth, relationships and poker chips so much alike, it's scary. It kinda scares me that I'm even reflecting enough to write this, but I guess I'll get down to business.
Okay, first I'm going to say that shuffling poker chips is not easy thing to do. I've been working on it for months and nada. Not a single sign of improvement in sight. I still can't do it. But tonight, I sat down at my coffee table and tried and thought...rinse, lather, repeat. And during this process of picking poker chips up off the floor and reflecting, I came up with some really great stuff.
When shuffling poker chips, you have to have a soft touch. If you squeeze them too hard, they'll just shoot out all over the place and it doesn't work. The harder your squeeze the further they fly, so it forces you to ease up. You have to be gentle and watch how hard you push, because the minute you start pushing them in directions that they don't want to go, is the exact moment when the poker chips roll from between your fingers forcing you to start over.
Now, here's how the perception thing comes into play:
When I shuffle chips, or try to anyway, I always make sure to use two stacks of different colors. I do this so I can look at them when I'm done and make sure that I did it right. Now, there are times when you start to shuffle and everything seems to be going well and you think that all the chips are falling into place. You've got just the right touch, you're not forcing them, and they just seem to want to do your bidding and slide into place like good little chips. Then you get done, pull your hands away, lean over to look, and damn it! You see two blue chips on top of each other and three green chips on top of that. Everything started out well, and it felt like everything was sliding into place. After you got them stacked, you just knew that it was right, but look from another angle, and nope. You were wrong. That's just the way it goes sometimes. Whether or not it worked is all in how you look at it. You may think you're doing it right, but upon closer observation, you're not. Simple as that.
Not only that, but the chips don't always fall into place as easily as you'd like them to. You can try and try and try some more, until your fingers are no longer functioning correctly and they still don't go where they should. You can try pushing and gently persuading, and even praying but somehow they still just don't cooperate. It dawns on you sometime around the eight hundred and twenty third time you try that maybe it's something that you're doing wrong. If you can learn this early on it makes the whole situation a lot easier, but most of us (and by most of us, I mean me) don't catch on that quickly.
That brings me to the BIG revelation and that is: You have to know when pushing will make more of a mess than stopping. At that point you come to a fork in the road. You have to either stop pushing or be willing to clean up the mess you've made. The age old question. That is the moment when you have to be honest with yourself. You have to weigh your options and make a choice. Personally I've always been afraid of that. Making choices, I mean. Because when you make a choice, you can never be sure that it's the right one. You never know how its going to effect you until after its made and it's too late to be undone. Relationships are them same way. You have to know when to fight for them, and when to just let the person walk away.
I haven't exactly decided yet what would be best for the situation I'm in at the moment, so I'm in a sort of limbo. Caught between being and not being...together, that is. I pushed for a while, but it started to make a mess, so now I've just stopped. Of course I still put in a little effort every once in a while. I give it a shot and give him a call. Just like with the poker chips. I haven't had them out in a week and then tonight we played and I tried to shuffle a few hundred more times while the game went on around me. Where the relationship is going, I couldn't tell you. I think I may have squeezed too hard and pushed too much and made too big of a mess to clean up with this one, but tonight I did shuffle the chips right once and I won the poker game.
Everything's going so well, I'm worried
Well, now that I've got the initial introductions over with, it's time to make you guys silent bystanders to the goings-ons in my life. I'm going back to school to finish the associates degree that I've been working on for about eight years now. At the rate I'm going, I figure I should have my masters by the time I'm I actually start Monday and got some great news yesterday about the whole deal. See, I thought I was going to have to take out another student loan because apparently $15,000 a year is too much to make if you want the government to pay for your schooling. I couldn't wrap my mind around that one. Then, our wonderful government decided that my FASFA (Federal Application for Student Financial Aid, for those of you who are acronymically challenged) needed verification which showed that there was an extra $15,000 that got added in on my app because I can't fill out forms right. Whew! Was I ever relieved.
On the other hand, I have to pay into the IRS this year. Divorces really screw you over in the tax department unless you work it right and I, unfortunately didn't. See, my divorce was final on 8/4/04, so of course, my employers was deducting taxes at a married rate. In August, when I finally realized this was going to be a problem, I started paying in extra, but to no avail. I'm still about $200 behind and the government wants their they can pay for me to go to school. Seems like a pretty fair trade to me, so I'm not all that upset about it really.
Now you're in for the relationship paragraph. A brief run-down. Separated from my lying, cheating ex-husband and met the man of my dreams. Started dating the man of my dreams. Got divorced. Had serious issues that were left over from the really BAD marriage and they started mainfesting themselves in the relationship w/ MOMD. I finally felt so bad that I was such a mess and he loved me anyway that I had to break up w/ him to resolve the issues. Still loved him, mind you, but it wasn't fair. He leaves for the service in two months and said he wasn't going to date anyone before he left. A very noble, "I'll wait for you", thing. Decided about a week before New Years that I was "fixed" (or something like that) and went to see him on New Year's Eve and, low and behold, he's dating a 34 year old, twice divorced chic from Texas. Ugh! He's ten years younger and lives 1000 miles does that work?!
Of course, I was furious. I couldn't think straight. He loved me then. He still did, but what was the deal with this other chic. I spent the better part of a month trying to show him how much he meant to me and that I was serious (and ready) this time, but nada. Confused and Frustrated. Those were his favorite words for somewhere around three weeks. I have since stopped talking to him. It's only going on a week, but I'm doing okay. It's all I can do at this point. No more pushing, no more trying, no more crying. I'm just tired. It's time to give it a rest. There are a lot of places that I can go with this story, but I'm not sure were I want to take it.....I'll have to think about it for a be continued
Intro to Me
Well, here I am, starting a blog. It seems so odd that I don't know where to start considering I've been keeping running commentary on my life in the journals that are stashed under my bed for the last ten years, but when you know the whole world can read it, it's a little bit different. I guess I'll start with the easy stuff.
-I'm twenty five
-I still don't have this life thing figured out
-I have green eyes (duh)
-My parents are still married
-I'm divorced
-I swore when I got married it would be forever
-I have two younger brothers
-And a dog (who is better behaved, sometimes)
-I'm 5'9" which I've found is pretty tall for a girl
-I love Diet Coke
-And Lays Stax (sour cream and onion)
-And Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
-I was raised Catholic
-I love to sing (and I'm good at it....really, I swear)
-I LOVE kareoke
-I love country music
-And JaRule and Tupac and Poison
-I went to Catholic schools all my life
-I've been working on my associates for eight years
-Longer than my
-I am a good friend
-And I really like to talk
-When I get excited I tend to get loud
-But I'm a good listener too
-I like to read when I feel like my brain is going to mush
-I have my own house (where my brothers sleep on my couches)
-I pay my own bills
-"Women who pay thier own rent don't have to be nice." -Katherine Dunn -I love quotes
-I work two jobs because I have a shopping addiction
-I smoke a pack of Malboros a day
-But I'll quit someday
-I don't hate my ex-husband anymore
-I've been in love many times
-I didn't always stay that way
-I have three best friends
-I talk to them almost every day
-I see my parents every day
-I am finally learning to be who I am without feeling the need to apologize for it.
- I'm a Libra
-I'm a hopeless romantic
-I love to play poker
-Texas hold'em to be exact
-but I'm not so good at it some days
-I'm very emotional,
-but I like to call it passionate (sounds better)
-I used to really love to write and I'm just getting into it again.
-this year will be my first single Valetine's Day in four years
-I LOVE Christmas
-and I decorate the whole house
-Everything goes up the day after thanksgiving
-and comes down the day after Christmas
-I hate to do dishes
-I really hate to vaccuum
-I used to be a VERY picky eater when I was little
-But now I eat all kinds of weird things like brussel sprouts and artichokes and feta cheese
-I love tomatos but don't really like ketchup all that much
-except on Hardees curly fries
-I've waited tables since I was 18
-along with a full time job now
-I'm always really motivated at the beginning of things
-usually that motivation dwindles after the initial newness wears off
-I hate going to the dentist
-and am petrified of needles
-But I get a shot every three months
-I've never finished a bottle of medication in my life
-I'm extremely hard headed
-But very indecisive
-And a cock-eyed optimist
-I've been a Cubs fan since I was old enough to know who they were
-But I've never been to Wrigley Field
-I'm also a Disney freak
-Mostly Winnie the Pooh
-But I've never been to Disney World
-I jumped out of a plane at 14,000 ft.
-But I wouldn't bungee jump if you paid me
-I sleep on my side
-and have six pillows on my bed at all times
-I fall asleep to CMT every night
And, on that note, I'm done for today. See, I can only write when I'm at my day job and have a connection to the web, and it's time to go home, change, and go to the night job. I'm sure you'll get to know me lots better, but for now, TTFN. Love, Me